Abstract:Abstract: Amylose content (AC) and protein content (PC) are important traits influencing rice quality, so it is important to find effective methods for their prediction. In this work, effect-increasing loci for AC and PC screened by SSR markers were used in their prediction using two-group method and three-group method respectively, and corresponding prediction model based on three-group method was also established. The results indicated that: 1) the prediction efficiency of AC and PC was high enough for application, and the prediction effect with effect-increasing loci (IL) was better than that with positive loci (PL). 2) The prediction efficiency varied with different traits and parents, better with fixed restorer lines than with fixed sterile lines, as well as better for AC prediction than for PC prediction. 3) With fixed restorer lines, prediction efficiency by two-group method was better than by three-group method; prediction values for AC and PC by two-group method were 0.8076 and 0.6722, while 0.6823 and 0.4174 by three-group method, respectively. With fixed sterile lines, prediction efficiency showed no significant difference between two-group method and three-group method.
收稿日期: 2007-09-12
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