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2006 Vol. 14, No. 4  Published: 01 August 2006
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (517 KB)  ( 284 )
The key enzymes for malolactic fermentation (MLF) are malolactic enzyme and malate permease,coded by mleA gene and mleP gene respectively. The mle locus about 2.6 kb containing mleA and mleP genes, coming from an excellent Oenococcus oeni strain of SD-2a screened by College of Enology, NAFU, in China,was used together with PGK1 promoter and ADH1 terminator were ligated and inserted into YEp352 (yeast-Escherichia coli shuttle plasmid), which was named pYELmleAP. Yeast transformants were screened on SD/-Ura. Malolactic enzyme gene, one of the target genes, was detected in the yeast transformants by Dot blotting hybridization. The target protein of malolactic enzyme was expressed by SDS-PAGE detecting. After transformants were cultured in media containing L-malate for 4 d, the culture supernatant was collected and L-malate and L-lactic acid contents were detected by HPLC. The results indicated that the functional expression of mleA gene was achieved in recombinants S. cerevisiae, turning L-malic acid into L-lactic acid. L-malate contents of the transformants showed extra significant difference with the control ones in t test, while L-lactic contents of the transformants showed significant difference with the control ones. In the culture supernatants adding L-malate, 1249~1368 mg/L L-lactic acids were detected and the comparative drop rates of L-malate were 19.33%-19.42%, while no L-lactic was detected from control transformants.
Expression of the Truncated vip3A Gene at the 3'-terminus from Bacillus thuringiensis in Escherichia coli
SHI Yong-xia;XU Wei;YUAN Mei-jin;SUN Fan;PANG Yi
2006, 14(4): 594-599  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (652 KB)  ( 323 )
vip3T gene from Bacillus thuringiensis, which deleted 154 amino-acid encoding sequences at the carbon terminus of Vip3A, was cloned into the expression vector pQE30. The constructed recombinant plasmid pQEvip3T was transformed into Escherichia coli M15 and induced with 1mmol/L IPTG. Protein solubility and insecticidal activity of Vip3T were compared with those of Vip3A. Different from Vip3A, Vip3T existed only in the insoluble inclusion body of induced M15(pQEvip3T). Bioassay showed that M15(pOTP) expressing Vip3A protein performed high toxicity against Spodoptera litura and S. exigua larvae. The purified Vip3A inclusion body lost toxicity against the insects, however, the solubilized inclusion body with Na2CO3 regenerated the insecticidal toxicity. In contrast, the insecticidal activity of induced M15(pQEvip3T), Vip3T inclusion body and its solubilized form against the insect larvae were completely abolished. This suggests that C-terminal amino acids of Vip3A may have an effect on its solubility and insecticidal activity.
Expression Pattern of A Recombinant Phloem-specific Promoter from Pumpkin in Transgenic Potato Plants
ZHANG Ke;WU Jia-he;CHEN Xiao-yin;YIN Kui-de;FANG Rong-xiang;TIAN Ying-chuan
2006, 14(4): 555-558  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (406 KB)  ( 250 )
The plant expression vector pBdENP was constructed on the basis of pBI121, which contains the neomycin phosphotransferase gene (nptⅡ) espression cassette and the β-glucuronidase (gus) gene driven by a recombinant pumpkin ( Cucurbita moschata ) phloem-specific promoter (dENP ). Potato (Solanum tuberosum ) leaf discs from aseptically cultured cv. Favorita plants were transformed with pBdENP and pBI121 mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens, respectively.And one hundred and six independent transformants of kanamycin resistant potato plants were regenerated. PCR and Southern blotting analyses confirmed that the gus gene had been integrated into the plant genome in 65 out of all independently transformed potato plants. Integration of the transgene varied from one to over two estimated copies in the analyzed plants. Gus expression in the transgenic plants was either constitutive or in a tissue specific manner, depending on the nature of the promoter used. Results from histochemical staining confirmed that the GUS activity was localized specificly in phloem tissue of the transgenic plants if the gus gene is driven by dENP promoter. The average GUS activity in pBdENP transgenic plants had no significant difference compared with that driven by CaMV35S promoter. These results indicate that the recombinant dENP promoter can achieve a highly efficient and phloem-specific expression of a foreign gene, and can be practically useful in developing transgenic potato plants for improvement of aphid-resistence or disease-resistence.
Construction of Canine parvovirus DNA Vaccine and Detection of Its Inoculated Mice
XIE Zhi-jing;XIA Xian-zhu;HU Rong-liang;YANG Song-tao;ZOU Xiao-huan;HUANG Geng
2006, 14(4): 503-506  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (371 KB)  ( 652 )
The VP2 gene of Canine parvovirus  (CPV) isolated from a raccoon dog was amplified by PCR and cloned into the vector pMD18-T. The recombinant, named pTCPV, was sequenced and analyzed. As a result, a G→S substitution at amino acid residue 32 was observed besides of 300 G→S. Then, the VP2 gene was sub-cloned into the vector pVAX1 at the downstream of CMV. The recombinant, named pVCPV, was used as CPV DNA vaccine. BHK-21 cells transfected with pVCPV did express CPV VP2 protein specifically reacting to anti-CPV sera. The mice vaccinated with pVCPV developed both anti-, CPV ELISA antibody and SN antibody, but was not detected anti-CPV HI antibody. Lympho-spleencytes of the inoculated mice was proliferated with CPV and ConA stimulation, respectively. The results indicate that the mice inoculated with pVCPV develops the humoral immunity and cellular immunity against CPV.
Fusion Expression and Purification of Marek’s disease virus Tegument
Protein VP16 and Its Antibody Preparation
2006, 14(4): 530-534  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (314 KB)  ( 310 )
Gene UL48 of Marek’s disease virus(MDV), encoding the homologue of Herpes simplex virus (HSV) tegument protein VP16, was cloned into pET-32a to obtain pET-VP16. The recombinant vector pET-VP16 was transformed into Escherichia.coli BL21 and solubly expressed in LB medium as a fused protein of about 67 kD with induction of IPTG. And the fusion protein was purified by His·Bind chromatography column. Then immunization in rabbits with the fusion protein was used to obtain the high titer antibody against MDV VP16. Indirect ELISA indicated that the highest titer was over 2×10-5. Moreover, Western blotting analysis proved that the antibody was specific to VP16.
Breeding of Ganoderma lucidum Polysaccharide-peptide Complex(GPSPc) 
High Yield Striain by UV Induced Protoplast Mutagenesis and Substituted 
Effect of GPSPc on Antibiotics in Broiler Chicken
2006, 14(4): 511-516  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (432 KB)  ( 343 )

A new strain CAU5501 (China patent application No. 200510066114.7), with high mycelial growth rate and high Ganoderma lucidum  polysaccharide-peptide complex (GPSPc) yield was obtained by UV(ultraviolet) induced mutagenesis on protoplasts of its parent strain (CAU55, Ganoderma lucidum).  After genetic stability test, it  was cultivated continuously for 10 generations on PDA slants and shaking bottles, the average growth rate (cm/7 d) of mycelium and the average yield of ex-PSPc (mg/mL) were improved 40.3% and 42.9% respectively compared with CAU55, showing that CAU5501 was a excellent strain with steady property, high mycelial growth rate and high GPSPc yield.  A feeding trial in broiler chicken was carried out to investigate the different effect of GPSPc and antibiotics on immune function, productive performance and carcassmerit of broilers. The data showed that GPSPc played important role on enhancing T-lymphocyte activity (+28.8%) and BSA antibody level (P <0.05), and stimulating the growth of thymus, spleen and bursa of Fabricius (+18.5%) compared with ones fedenramycin. It was found that GPSPc had better effects than enramycin on promoting the daily gain (P<0.01) in 1 to 4 weeks and growth of breast (+6.3%) and thigh muscle (+3.6%), and reducing abdomen fat (-18.6%) of broilers at 7 weeks. Based the comparison of on the efficiency between the two feed additives, it was proved that GPSPc was feasible for substituting antibiotics.

Genetic Structure Analyses of Different Populations of Grass Carp 
(Ctenopharyngodon idella ) Using TRAP Technique

ZHANG Zhi-wei;CAO Zhe-ming;ZHOU Jing-song;WU Ting-ting
2006, 14(4): 517-521  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (402 KB)  ( 304 )
TRAP (target region amplified polymorphism) was used for comparison of genetic structures among three populations of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), one wild population from Jiangsu Hanjiang National Four Major Chinese Carps Seed Farm and two cultured populations from Freshwater Fisheries Research Center Aquatic Breeding plant and Wuxi Qianzhou Aquatic Breeding plant. Seven primer combinations selected from 15 primer combinations produced good amplified patterns and 103 amplified loci from three populations were obtained. The numbers of polymorphic loci in Hanjiang population, Freshwater Fisheries Research Center population and Qianzhou population were 67, 55, and 46 respectively. It indicated that genetic polymorphism decreased in two cultured grass carp populations. Compared with wild population, only 39.98% loci gene frequency kept being unchanged in two cultured ones. It showed that the genetic structure of cultured populations had changed. The genetic distances between wild population and two cultured populations were 0.0421 and 0.0809, respectively. With primer combination Ga5-800-E5, a region was detected in electrophoretic pattern in which the number of amplified loci reduced apparently in cultured populations. This will offer scientific basis for developing of molecular markers to distinguish wild population from cultured ones.
Expression of High-molecular-weight Artificial Spider Dragline Silk Protein in Escherichia coli
2006, 14(4): 522-525  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (382 KB)  ( 307 )
According to the known partial cDNA sequence of dragline silk, two artificial dragline silk gene monomers, 360 and 390 bp sequences, were designed to encode analogs of the protein of Nephila clavipes dragline silk. DNA monomer sequence was multimerized to encode high weight artificial spider dragline silk protein. Eight-timer and sixteen-timer were cloned into pET-30a vector and produced four-expression vector. Four-expression vectors were expressed in Escherichia coli respectively and produced a characteristic heterogeneous array of immunoreactive bands. The masses of the strongest band were respectively 85, 165, 85 and 165 kD, which represented the full-length gene product in each pattern. The highest concentration of recombinant dragline silk protein was 800 mg/L.
Evaluating Gene Expression of Peptide Transporter cPepT1
 in Small Intestine of Chick by Semi-quantity RT-PCR
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (654 KB)  ( 260 )
A method of semi-quantity RT-PCR was established to evaluate gene expression of peptide transporter in small intestine of chick. The primers of β-actin  and cPepT1 were designed according to their gene sequence reported. The cycles and Mg2+ concentrations were optimized by experiment. The results showed that gene expression of cPepT1 varied in intestinal segments, decreased from the proximal to the distal, i.e. the level of the expression of cPepT1 in ileum was higher than that in duodenum and jejunum significantly, no difference was found between duodenum and jejunum.
Sequence Analysis of LMW-GS Genes from Aegilops triuncialis
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (475 KB)  ( 278 )
According to the conservative sequences of known low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) genes, the PCR primers were designed, and the full coding regions of LMW-GS genes were amplified from the genomic DNA of Aegilops triuncialis L. Two novel genes with the typical structure of LMW-GS genes, GenBank accession AY841016 and AY841017, were identified from the expected 900 and 1 065 bp amplification products, respectively. The coding region of AY841017 was 1 065 bp, and encoded a mature protein with 322 amino acid residues. The first cysteine residue of AY841017 was observed at position 13 in the repetitive domains. In the repetitive domain, the two hydrophobic motifs of AY841017 were PIIIL and PVIIL. A repeat motif with 13 glutamines (Q) was found in the repetitive domain of AY841017. Due to two stop codons in its coding region, AY841016 was a pseudogene. It was found that AY841017 was highly similar to those encoded by Glu-D3 locus.
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (283 KB)  ( 317 )
A total of 6 AFLP primer combinations were used to detect genetic variation of pooled DNA in a sample of 12 indigenous chicken breeds, and AFLP DNA fingerprinting of each chicken breed was constructed. Polymorphic bands, specific bands and genetic similarity coefficient of 12 chicken breeds were detected and calculated from AFLP data, and UPGMA cluster analysis was also performed. The 6 primer combinations generated 279 polymorphic bands, 46.5 polymorphic markers were detected by one primer combination on the average. Nine specific bands were produced in the pooled DNA of Shouguang chickens and Dongxiang dark chickens, however, 1 specific band was produced in the pooled DNA of Jiuyuan dark chickens and Xingyi bantam chickens. UPGMA cluster analysis revealed that 12 chicken breeds were divided into three groups. Genetic similarity coefficient and the UPGMA tree of 12 chicken breeds were consistent with its breeding history and geographical distribution. It is feasible to analyze the genetic diversity, genetic relationship and identify chicken breeds based on AFLP DNA fingerprinting. 
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (3058 KB)  ( 284 )
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (393 KB)  ( 711 )
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (351 KB)  ( 203 )
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (469 KB)  ( 271 )
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (395 KB)  ( 250 )
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (439 KB)  ( 308 )
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (560 KB)  ( 303 )
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (547 KB)  ( 282 )
According to the conservative sequences of known low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) genes, the PCR primers were designed, and the full coding regions of LMW-GS genes were amplified from the genomic DNA of Aegilops triuncialis L. Two novel genes with the typical structure of LMW-GS genes, GenBank accession AY841016 and AY841017, were identified from the expected 900 and 1 065 bp amplification products, respectively. The coding region of AY841017 was 1 065 bp, and encoded a mature protein with 322 amino acid residues. The first cysteine residue of AY841017 was observed at position 13 in the repetitive domains. In the repetitive domain, the two hydrophobic motifs of AY841017 were PIIIL and PVIIL. A repeat motif with 13 glutamines (Q) was found in the repetitive domain of AY841017. Due to two stop codons in its coding region, AY841016 was a pseudogene. It was found that AY841017 was highly similar to those encoded by Glu-D3 locus.
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (484 KB)  ( 334 )
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (375 KB)  ( 254 )
The effects of heat stress(HS) on HSP70 gene expression, energy supply in abscission zone of flower-pod and the abscission rate of flowers-pods in soybean (Glycine max) cultivars were analyzed by Northern blot and physiological and biochemical assay. The results showed that HS could lead to the increases of HSP70 gene expression level, mitochondria and their protein contents, and cytochrome oxidase content in abscission zone of flowers-pods, but the decrease of the abscission rate of flowers-pods in all six soybean cultivars comparison with their control groups with normal temperature treatment. The results suggested that the overexpression of HSP70 gene caused the increases of mitochondria and their protein contents and cytochrome oxidase content, which improved enhancement of energy supply in abscission zone of flowers-pods so that this inhibited the abscission of flowers-pods of soybean plants. This will be of importance for reducing abscission rate of flowers-pods and increasing seed yield in soybean by genetic engineering approach.
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (342 KB)  ( 438 )
Seventy nine pairs of SSR primers were used to detect genetic diversity among 129 wheat accessions from Huang-Huai area. The results showed that 335 alleles were revealed on 79 SSR loci. Two to eight alleles were detected with the average of 4.240 alleles for each SSR locus. The B genome had the greatest variation. The PIC ( polymorphism information content) value ranged from 0.015 to 0.820 for each SSR locus. The genetic similarity varied from 0.253 to 0.909 with the average of 0.492. The cluster analysis divided the accessions into four groups and seven sub-groups, which did not accord with the districts. The cluster results could distinguish the characters of accessions and reveal relationship among them.

Construction of Forward and Reverse Subtracted cDNA Libraries between 
Longissimus Muscle Tissue of Meishan and Large White×Meishan Crossbred
Pigs and ESTs Analysis


2006, 14(4): 456-461  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (546 KB)  ( 337 )
In order to discover the molecular mechanism of  heterosis from the poit of gene differential expression, forward and reverse subtracted cDNA libraries  were constructed between longissimus muscle tissue of Meishan and Large White×Meishan crossbred pigs both with an efficiency of 210 times. Six hundred and ten avilable clones were selected in the library between Large White×Meishan crossbred (subtracted) and Meishan pigs. Forty-eight positive clones were selected by Dot blotting method. The sequencing results revealed that 28 ESTs of  37 genes represented  known genes respectively. The nine ESTs had no homology from NCBI. Five hundred and eighty avilable clones were selected in the library between Meishan (subtracted) and Large White×Meishan crossbred pigs. Forty-five positive clones were selected by Dot blotting method. The sequencing results revealed that 26 ESTs of 34 genes represented  reported genes respectively. The eight ESTs had no homology from NCBI.  
Relationships between Six Microsatellite Loci  and  Milk Composition Traits in Beijing Holstein Cows
CHU Ming-xing;WANG Chao; LI Xue-wei;YE Su-cheng;FANG Li
2006, 14(4): 468-473  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (479 KB)  ( 213 )

Genetic variation of six microsatellite loci BM4505, BM1905, BM1443, BM415, BM143 and BM711 which were closely correlated with milk composition traits was analyzed in 200 Beijing Holstein cows by nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Allele frequency, heterozygosity, polymorphic information content, effective number of alleles of the six microsatellite loci were calculated. Relationships between six microsatellite loci and milk composition traits in Beijing Holstein cows were preliminarily analyzed by least squares linear model. The results indicated that microsatellite BM4505 significantly correlated with fat percentage and dry matter percentage; microsatellite BM1905 significantly correlated with protein percentage and lactose percentage; microsatellite BM1443 significantly correlated with protein percentage; microsatellite BM415 significantly correlated with fat percentage, protein percentage, lactose percentage and dry matter percentage; microsatellite BM143 significantly correlated with protein percentage and lactose percentage; microsatellite BM711 significantly correlated with fat percentage. 225 bp/225 bp at BM4505, 168 bp/168 bp at BM415 and 190 bp/190 bp at BM711 were the most favourable genotypes for fat percentage. 201 bp/201 bp at BM1905, 163 bp/163 bp at BM1443, 168 bp/168 bp at BM415 and 110 bp/110 bp at BM143 were the most favourable genotypes for protein percentage. 201 bp/201 bp at BM1905, 168 bp/168 bp at BM415 and 108 bp/108 bp at BM143 were the most favourable genotypes for lactose percentage. 225 bp/225 bp at BM4505 and 168 bp/168 bp at BM415 were the most favourable genotypes for dry matter percentage.

 PCR-SSCP Analysis on the Insulin-like Growth Factor
 Binding Protein 3 Gene in Beef

2006, 14(4): 474-477  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (382 KB)  ( 268 )

The polymorphism of the insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) gene in Nanyang cattle, Luxi cattle and Chinese Simmental was analyzed by PCR-SSCP. The results showed that there were no polymorphism detected by the exon 3 of the bovine IGFBP3, and there were three genotypes (AA, AB and BB) detected by the exon 2 of the bovine IGFBP3 in three breeds. The frequency of A allele was  higher than that of B allele in three breeds. The frequency of AA genotype was the highest in three breeds, which Chinese Simmental was 0.6615, the Luxi cattle and Nangyang cattle were 0.4043 and 0.3095 respectively. The polymorphism fragments amplified by primer 1 (the exon 2 of the bovine IGFBP3) were cloned and sequenced. The sequencing results indicated that there was one single nucleotide mutation: T→C at 8 069 bp of IGFBP3 gene, and this mutation resulted in amino acid change: Phe→Leu.

Studies of Microsatellite Markers OarHH35 and BMS2508 in Four Goat Breeds


2006, 14(4): 478-483  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (497 KB)  ( 277 )
Two microsatellite markers OarHH35 and BMS2508 which were closely associated to the high reproduction in sheep (Ovis aries) were analyzed for polymorphisms in Xiangdong black goat, Nanjiang brown goat, Guizhou black goat and Boer goat. The number of alleles for OarHH35 was 11, 8, 7 and 10 respectively in four goat(capra hircus ) breeds. The number of alleles for BMS2508 was 9, 5, 6 and 7 respectively in four goat breeds. The polymorphic information contents for OarHH35/BMS2508 in Xiangdong black goat, Nanjiang brown goat, Guizhou black goat and Boer goat were 0.8294/0.8047,0.8399/0.6894, 0.7985/0.6910 and 0.8582/0.7688, respectively. It indicated that there were a significant influence (P < 0.05) of microsatellite markers BMS2508 and OarHH35 for litter size of goat of Xiangdong black goat. In the OarHH35 locus, the least squares means of genotype 135/135 bp was the highest (3.67 number born /litter ), thereinto the least squares means of genotype 123/135 bp and 125/125 bp also reached 3.00 number born /litter. It indicated that allele 135 and 125 bp for the litter size in Xiangdong black goat had significant positive effect. In the BMS2508 locus, the least squares means of genotype 132/145  and 93/132 bp for the litter size was 4.00 and 3.23 number born / litter respectively, but the least squares means of genotype 122/122 bp for the litter size only had 1.00 number born / litter. It indicated that allele 145 and 93 bp loci had significant positive effect on the litter size of Xiangdong black goat, and had significant negative effect between allele 122 bp and the litter size of Xiangdong black goat.
PCR-SSCP Detection and DNA Sequence Analysis of Exon 10 
of Goat Follicle-stimulating Hormone Receptor (FSHR) Gene 
2006, 14(4): 484-488  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (433 KB)  ( 373 )
PCR-SSCP was applied to detect single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of exon 10 of the follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) gene for 173 goats (Capra hircus), including Xinong Sanen Dairy goat, Guangzhong goat, Shaannan White goat, Angera and Boer goat breeds. The results demonstrated monopolymorphism. After sequenced, goat FSHR gene exon10 DNA sequence was firstly acquired ( GenBank Accession No.DQ069909 and DQ069910). DNA sequence analysis showed that molecular mechanism of monopolymorphism was probably due to no nucleotide mutation from C to T or other mutations in 120th  nucleotide position. Comparing nucleotide sequences of FSHR gene exon 10 for goat, sheep (Ovisaries L) and bovine (Bos Taurus), the maximal similarity and the minimal divergence was 99.3% and 3.4%, respectively. The molecular phylogenetic tree of goat, sheep and bovine constructed by FSHR gene exon 10 sequences showed that individuals within species were clustered together, respectively; Sheep and goat had the nearest relative relationship, and then clustered with bovine. The result implies that FSHR gene exon 10 sequence is suitable for constructing molecular phylogenetic tree among species.
Isolation and Analysis of Genes Induced by Rehydration after Serious
Drought in Broomcorn Millet (Panicum miliaceum) by Using SSH
LIN Fan-yun;HU Yin-gang;SONG Guo-qi;ZHANG Hong;LIU Tian-ming;HE Bei-ru
2006, 14(4): 537-541  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (407 KB)  ( 275 )
In order to investigate the molecular mechanism of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) on the condition of rehydration after serious drought, a forward subtracted cDNA library was constructed between normal watering leaves of broomcorn millet                                  and rehydration ones after serious drought conditions by using SSH(suppression subtraction hybridization) technique. A total of 60 positive clones were randomly picked out from the subtracted library and sequenced, and redundancy sequences were removed after sequence alignment. Based on the result of sequence homologous comparison and function querying, 32 EST sequences were highly homologous with known EST. Most of those sequences were related to abiotic or biotic stresses in plants. Of those sequences, 11 EST sequences were homologous with mice liver ESTs of partial hepatectomy. The blast result of proteins revealed, there were 28 EST sequences were similar to known proteins. The functions of those proteins mainly involve signal transduction, transcription and protein processing. This experiment displays that a series of specific genes are induced and expressed during the rehydration stage after serious drought.
High Soluble Expression and Antigenicity of VP1 Gene of
 Foot-and-mouth disease virus
XIE Qing-mei;LI Shao-li;CHEN Li;QIN Jian-ping;MA Jing-yun;BI Ying-zuo; CAO Yong-chang
2006, 14(4): 526-529  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (694 KB)  ( 290 )
Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) VP1 gene was amplified by RT-PCR. The VP1 fragment was inserted into plasmid pMBX to obtain recombinant plasmid pMBX-VP1. The pMBX-VP1 was transformed into Escherichia coli  BL-21(DE3) to induce VP1 gene fusion expression with 1 mmol/L Isopropylthio-β-D-galactoside (IPTG). The fusion protein band with molecular weight of 58 kD was visible on the SDS-PAGE gel. The density scanning showed that the largest amount of the fusion protein was 35.5% of total bacterial protein. The amounts of the soluble form of the fusion in supernatant of lysate was up to 31.2%, and 6.8% in sediment. Western blot result shawed that  the expression products could specifically reacted with the antisera against FMDV. The soluble fusion protein was purified by 50%Ni-NTA affinity chromatography and used as an antigen, and FMDV antibody could be detected by ELISA method.
Inheritance and Resistance to Insect in  CryIA(c) Transgenic Cabbage
LI Han-xia;YIN Ruo-he;LU Ya-chun;ZHANG Jun-hong
2006, 14(4): 546-550  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (437 KB)  ( 375 )
Using hypocotyl segments of aseptic seedlings of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) as explants, regenerated plants with kanamycin resistance were obtained mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciecin (strain LBA4404). The transformed plants with CryIA(c) (Bt) gene were confirmed by Southern blotting analysis. And the results showed that CryIA(c) gene had been integrated into the cabbage genome. And majority of the transgenic plants had only one single copy of the inserted CryIA(c) gene. Leaf section bioassays of insect resistance showed that CryIA(c) transgenic cabbage significantly enhanced the level of resistance against the larvae of insect diamondback moth (DBM). The inheritance patterns of the transgene in T1 offspring of transgenic cabbage were investigated using PCR with NPTⅡ primers and kanamycin resistance test on young seedling leaves. The results showed that  dominant gene locus, CryIA(c) gene and NPTⅡ gene followed the Mendel's fashion with a ratio of 3∶1 segregation in T1 populations.
Development and Evaluation of PCR Method for the Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Seafoods
WANG Hua-li;SHI Xian-ming;Yang Guan-pin
2006, 14(4): 627-628  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (257 KB)  ( 306 )
RAPD and SCAR Markers for the Plutella xylostella Resistant to Abamectin
ZHOU Xiao-mao;WU Qing-jun;HU Mei-ying;ZHANG You-jun;ZHU Guo-ren;XU Bao-yun
2006, 14(4): 629-630  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (232 KB)  ( 230 )
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (205 KB)  ( 271 )
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (147 KB)  ( 239 )
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (229 KB)  ( 271 )
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (233 KB)  ( 195 )
Research Brief of Mitochondrial Gene Expression in Citrus
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (225 KB)  ( 267 )
2006, 14(4): 0-626  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (609 KB)  ( 451 )

Present Situation of Dairy Cattle Embryo Transplantation and Embryo
Engineering Techniques in China and the Important
Research Field for the “11th Five-year” Program

SANG Run-zi1
2006, 14(4): 451-455  | doi:  |  Full text (HTML) (1 KB)  | PDF   PDF  (358 KB)  ( 437 )
Based on the author's research and practice work in the dairy cattle embryo transplantation for more than 20 years, the development of diary cattle embryo transplantation and embryo engineering techniques in China were overall summarized.  Both the achievements  and the problems in this field were discussed and the important research in the “11th five-year” program was presented.
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