Abstract:Germin-like proteins (GLPs), a group of defense-related proteins that are widely existed in plants, play an important role in the process of plant responses to pathogenic microorganism infection and abiotic stress. However, the identification of this protein family in the maize (Zea mays) genome and whether it is involved in the resistance process during Setosphaeria turcica infects maize have not been reported. In this study, the GLP family genes (ZmGLPs) in maize were genome-wide identified, the sequences, gene localization, gene duplication, conservative motifs and systematic evolution were analyzed. Based on transcriptome data obtained in our previous research, the expression level change of ZmGLPs in response to S. turcica infection was analyzed. Fifty-seven GLP family genes were identified from maize genome. The length of their coding proteins varied greatly, ranged from 113 to 671 amino acids. The chromosomal locations and collinearity analysis revealed that 52 ZmGLPs showed unevenly distributed on 10 chromosomes of maize, and 5 other ZmGLPs were located in the extranuclear ctg150. The ZmGLPs family members could be divided into 6 clades by phylogenetic analysis, among which clade1 does not contain GLPs of other species. Based on transcriptome data, 43 ZmGLPs were detected when maize was infected by S. turcica. These genes were divided into 6 categories, according to their expression level in 3 different time points (0, 24 and 72 h), and among them, 27 genes were significantly expressed during the infection process of S. turcica.This study will not only identify the numbers and characteristics of ZmGLP genes in maize genome and the expression changes during the infection of S. turcica, but also provide a theoretical basis for further revealing the molecular mechanism of maize against the infection of pathogenic fungi.
刘亚洁, 贾明轩, 周贺, 张璐, 刘畅, 司贺龙, 刘玉卫, 谷守芹, 巩校东, 董金皋. 玉米GLP基因家族的全基因组鉴定及其响应玉米大斑病菌侵染的表达分析[J]. 农业生物技术学报, 2021, 29(10): 1881-1893.
LIU Ya-Jie, JIA Ming-Xuan, ZHOU He, ZHANG Lu, LIU Chang, SI He-Long, LIU Yu-Wei, GU Shou-Qin, GONG Xiao-Dong, DONG Jin-Gao. Genome-wide Identification of GLP Gene Family in Maize (Zea mays) and It's Expression Analysis When Maize is Exposed to Setosphaeria turcica. 农业生物技术学报, 2021, 29(10): 1881-1893.
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