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2025年3月15日 星期六
农业生物技术学报  2024, Vol. 32 Issue (3): 679-690    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-7968.2024.03.017
  研究评述与展望 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
李施祺, 朱祝军, 茹磊*
浙江农林大学 园艺科学学院 农业农村部亚热带果品蔬菜质量安全控制重点实验室/浙江省山区农业高效绿色生产协同创新中心,杭州 311300
Role of Pseudoenzymes in Plant Development and Stress Response
LI Shi-Qi, ZHU Zhu-Jun, RU Lei*
Key Laboratory of Quality and Safety Control for Subtropical Fruit and Vegetable, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Collaborative Innovation Center for Efficient and Green Production of Agriculture in Mountainous Areas of Zhejiang Province, College of Horticulture Science, Zhejiang A& F University, Hangzhou 311300, China
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摘要 假酶(pseudoenzyme)是一类没有催化活性的蛋白,其氨基酸序列与具有正常功能的酶家族相似,但因已被证实或预测的保守催化氨基酸的突变,从而缺乏催化活性。但假酶可能促进或抑制活性酶的活性、竞争活性酶的底物、调节信号通路,或者作为蛋白骨架形成蛋白复合体等。假酶在医学领域中研究较多,在植物领域中的研究尚显匮乏。最近的研究表明,假酶在植物生长发育和逆境胁迫响应方面发挥重要作用。本文从假酶的定义、鉴定方法和进化过程,以及假酶在植物中的生物学作用等方面介绍假酶,并讨论了假酶在植物发育调控中的潜在作用。本综述为利用假酶调控植物生长发育提供新的思路。
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关键词 假酶假磷酸酶假激酶    
Abstract:Pseudoenzymes are proteins that have sequence homology with enzyme families but are proven or predicted to lack enzyme activity due to mutations in otherwise conserved catalytic amino acids. However, pseudoenzymes may be involved in promoting or inhibiting the activity of enzymes, competing with active enzymes for substrates, regulating signal pathways, or serving as protein scaffolds to form protein complex, etc. Although pseudoenzymes have been extensively studied in the medical field, research on the role of pseudoenzymes in plants is still scarce. Recent studies have shown that pseudoenzymes play important roles in stress response, growth, and development in plant. In this paper, multidimensional introduction to pseudoenzymes was provided, including their definition, identification methods, evolutionary processes, and biological roles in plants. Furthermore, the potential roles of pseudoenzymes in plant development regulation were also discussed. This review provides new insights for plant developmental regulation by using pesudoenzymes.
Key wordsEnzyme    Pseudoenzyme    Pseudophosphatase    Pseudokinase
收稿日期: 2023-05-31     
ZTFLH:  S512.1  
通讯作者: *lei.ru@zafu.edu.cn   
李施祺, 朱祝军, 茹磊. 假酶在植物生长发育和逆境胁迫中的作用[J]. 农业生物技术学报, 2024, 32(3): 679-690.
LI Shi-Qi, ZHU Zhu-Jun, RU Lei. Role of Pseudoenzymes in Plant Development and Stress Response. 农业生物技术学报, 2024, 32(3): 679-690.
https://journal05.magtech.org.cn/Jwk_ny/CN/10.3969/j.issn.1674-7968.2024.03.017     或     https://journal05.magtech.org.cn/Jwk_ny/CN/Y2024/V32/I3/679
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