Coupling Analysis Based on High Throughput Sequencing Technology of Soil Bacterial Community and Soil Environmental Factors in Continuous Cropping Tobacco Soil
Abstract:To reveal the relationship of soil bacterial community structure and its response to soil environment under continuous cropping, the Illumina platform Hiseq2500 high-throughput sequencing technique was used to sequence Luohe tobacco continuous cropping tobacco planting soil bacteria 16S rRNA V4 area with different fertilizer treatment, and find out the soil bacteria microbial community composition, diversity and interaction between the soil environment and bacteria with redundancy analysis (RDA). All 25 203 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and 1 600 239 pieces readings in total were detected in this sequential control condition. Heatmap showed that there were significant differences among the character of bacterial communities in continuous cropping tobacco planting soil, and those differences mainly existed in different treatment or community in different growth period while diversity of species showed less. Alpha index showed that continuous cropping tobacco planting soil bacteria changed during mature period among different growth stages, and each index increased in some extent; the diversity index (Shannon and Simpson index) changed little, bacteria's abundance indexes (ACE and Chao1 index) of flue-cured tobacco raised to a high level after transplanted in 50 and 70 d with mixture of earthworm manure and microbial fertilizer(T3) and the indexes of microbial fertilizer(T2) reached to a peak which occurred after transplanted in 30 and 90 d, which indicated that the effects that different treatments posed on bacterial community showed in the abundance of bacterial community. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that there was a strong correlation within soil environmental factors, thus based on the strong positive correlation, the original 11 factors could be divided into 4 types of soil environmental factors. Redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that the 5 environmental factors (pH, urease, available phosphorus, protease and amylase ) could represent 4 general system evolved from PCA analysis process, explain the 98.03% of the original 11 soil environment variable and highly represent the level of soil environment system. The pH not only affected the diversity of soil bacterial communities, but also the abundance of soil bacterial communities. There was a strong correlation between amylase and ACE index, the strong relationship also existed in the Chao1 index and amylase. This indicated that the rising of soil carbon level had a positive effect on the growing of soil bacterial abundance, rising soil carbon level also contribute to the activity of bacterial community; and the urease activity was negatively correlated with the abundance and diversity of soil bacterial community, which showed that the elevation in single nitrogen level actually poses a negative effect on the variation of soil bacterial community. The results of this study provide a basis for studying the formation mechanism of continuous cropping obstacles at the microbial level.
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