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农业生物技术学报  2024, Vol. 32 Issue (12): 2796-2807    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-7968.2024.12.010
  研究论文与报告 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
苗健1, 李佳伟1, 李喜梅1, 陈妍1, 蒋苏苏1,2, 扎西英派1, 张国华1*, 卢建雄1*
1 西北民族大学 生命科学与工程学院,兰州 730124;
2 甘肃农业职业技术学院,兰州 730030
Protective Effect of Dietary Supplementation with Licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) Extract on Liver Damage of Broilers (Gallus gallus domesticus) Caused by Long-term Intake of Low-dose ZEN and DON
MIAO Jian1, LI Jia-Wei1, LI Xi-Mei1, CHEN Yan1, JIANG Su-Su1,2, ZHAXI Ying-Pai1, ZHANG Guo-Hua1*, LU Jian-Xiong1*
1 School of Life Sciences and Engineering, Northwest Minzu University, Lanzhou 730124, China;
2 Gansu Agriculture Vocational and Technical College, Lanzhou 730030, China
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