Abstract:In our study, the first discovered dwarf mutant(Ai 10)of the C.moschata Duch was used as the offerer parent, and the normal C .maxima Duch (MengRi) was used as recurrent parent. Nine pure lines of the NILs (Near isogenic lines) named S1—S9 was got through the 6 times backcrosses and twice selfcrosses. The 306 F2 individuals derived from the single cross between the NIL S2 and MengRi. All of the 640 random primers were screened for the marker linked to the dwarf gene D using RAPD and NILs approaches. The results show that the RAPD marker S1225-548 is linked to the dwarf gene. The genetic distance is 2.29cM, and it has been transformed to SCAR marker SCAR3-398.