Abstract:The absence of horns or polled phenotype is desirable in the modern cattle industry for their beneficial to animal welfare and reduction of breeding costs. In this study,Illumina-based whole-genome resequencing of seven Mongolia cattle (Bos Taurus) (3 horn,4 polled) was reported. The whole genomic DNA was used to prepare 350 bp pair-end libraries and the high-throughput sequencing yielded 380.88 Gb. Comparative genomic analyses identified 11 362 382 genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 1 150 664 insertions/deletions (InDels),Most of the variations (96% of SNPs and 94% of InDels) were located in intergenic,transcript and intron regions,noted 3 768 genes. After screening,20 differential genes were related to the horn growth and development. Meanwhile,the population stratification analysis of SNPs and InDels showed that hornless traits did not cause genetic differentiation of Mongolian cattle. Further analysis by sequence,polymerase chain reaction (PCR),agarose gel electrophoresis and Sanger sequencing showed that the Mongolia cattle POLLED genotype belongs to P219ID mutation. This study provides baseline data for further research to investigate the molecular mechanisms of polled trait,and provides a valuable resource for genetic characteristics of Mongolia cattle.
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