Screening and Identification of Several Endophytic Diazotrophs with High Capability of Phosphate Solubilizing and Potassium Decomposing from Oryza officinalis
Abstract:The study aimed to screen endophytic diazotrophs with high capability of phosphate solubilizing and potassium decomposing from Oryza officinalis. The endophytic diazotrophs with high capability of phosphate solubilizing and potassium decomposing properties potentially supplied the foundation for the future agricultural application. The endophytic diazotrophs isolated from the O. officinalis were evaluated by using 2 nitrogen-free selective media in combination with the acetylene reduction method, the capability of phosphate solubilizing and potassium decomposing. The isolated endophytic diazotrophs with high efficient capability of phosphate solubilizing and potassium decomposing were grouped by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) patterns of the whole-cell protein electrophoresis. The representative strains were further studied by physiological and biochemical tests, and 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis. The soluble phosphorus and decomposing potassium content in the fermentation liquid were determined by molybdenum antimony colorimetric method and 4 benzene boron sodium assay, respectively. The possible promotion of rice growth was also carried out. The nitrogenase activity of 4 isolated endophytic diazotrophs ranged from 8.78~8.88 μmol C2H4/(mL·h). The 4 strains were assigned to one group by analysis of SDS-PAGE patterns of the whole-cell protein electrophoresis. 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis and physiological and biochemical tests of the representative strain yy01 showed that the strain was closely related to Burkholderia kururiensis. The inorganic phosphorus solubilizing ability (116.28 mg/L) of strain yy01 was 2.73 times as much as the reference strain Klebsiella variicola, and potassium decomposing activity (268.31 mg/L) was 4.67 times as much as the the reference strain K. variicola within 5 d fermentation in the liquid medium. In addition, the strain yy01 could also secrete indole-3-acetic acid. Strain yy01 inoculated with rice showed significant promotion rice growth, the length of rice leaf increased of 25.9%, the length of root increased of 42.30%, tiller number increased of 79.60%, fresh weight increased of 166.90%; The N, P and K content of rice increased of 61.54%, 41.18% and 54.05%, respectively. Based on above results, these 4 endophytic diazotrophs with high capability of phosphate solubilizing and potassium decomposing isolated from the O. officinalis have the potential application in agriculture production.
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