Analysis of Mating Type Composition and Distribution of Setosphaeria turcica in Northern Maize Producting Areas of China |
WANG Chao-Hong1, ZHANG Lu1, GUO Zheng-Yu2, YAN Xiao-Guang3, LIU Xin-Fang4, LIU Ning1, CAO Zhi-Yan1,*, DONG Jin-Gao1,* |
1 College of Plant Protection/State Key Laboratory of North China Crop lmprovement and Regulation, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China; 2 Institute of Corn Research, Shanxi Agricultural University, Xinzhou 034000, China; 3 Institute of Millet Research, Shanxi Agricultural University, Changzhi 046011, China; 4 Corn Research Institute, Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenyang 110065, China |
Abstract Setosphaeria turcica can harm the leaves, leaf sheaths and bracts of maize (Zea mays), resulting in the decrease of maize yield and quality, thus causing serious economic losses. Northern corn leaf blight has become one of the most important fungal diseases on maize in China. There were 3 mating types (MAT) in S. turcica, namely A mating type containing only StMAT1-1 gene, a mating type containing only StMAT1-2 gene, and Aa mating type containing both genes simultaneously. In China, there were significant differences in the composition and distribution of mating types of S. turcica in China between years and regions, leading to frequent genetic variations of the pathogens. To clarify the composition and distribution of mating types of the pathogen in different years of maize production areas in northern China, in this study, mating type identification specific primers of S. turcica were used to determine the mating type of 365 isolates collected from 10 provinces (autonomous regions) of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Hebei, Gansu, Heilongjiang, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning and Jilin in China from 2018 to 2022. The results showed that a total of 61 isolates of type A, 224 isolates of type a, and 80 isolates of type Aa were detected from 365 isolates of S. turcica, with isolation frequencies of 16.71%, 61.37%, and 21.92%, respectively, indicating that a mating type was the main mating type in North China. There were little differences in the frequency of mating types in S. turcica populations between different years. The isolation frequencies of mating type a in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022 was 61.73%, 72.50%, 55.74%, 58.65%, and 63.29%, respectively. There were differences in the composition of mating types of S. turcica in different regions. No A mating type isolate was isolated in Heilongjiang Province, while the distribution of A, a, and Aa mating types, were found in the remaining 9 provinces (autonomous regions). However, there were differences in the distribution frequency of different mating type isolates among regions. The frequency of a mating type isolates was the highest in Heilongjiang Province, at 87.50%, and the frequency of A mating type isolates was the highest in Shaanxi Province, at 26.67%, the frequency of Aa mating type isolates was the highest in Inner Mongolia and Jilin provinces, both at 33.33%, indicating that there was diversity in mating types among S. turcica populations. This study further clarified the composition and distribution of mating types of S. turcica in northern China, which provides reference for the analysis of pathogen variation trends and effective control.
Received: 08 May 2023
Corresponding Authors:
*caozhiyan@hebau.edu.cn; dongjingao@126.com
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