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2025年3月15日 星期六
农业生物技术学报  2024, Vol. 32 Issue (3): 701-711    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-7968.2024.03.019
  研究资源与技术改进 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
涂诗航, 连玲, 洪永河, 周鹏, 郑菲艳, 郑家团, 张建福*
福建省农业科学院 水稻研究所,福州 350018
Breeding of the Three-line Indica Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line 'Funong A' and Its Comprehensive Agronomic Trait Analysis
TU Shi-Hang, LIAN Ling, HONG Yong-He, ZHOU Peng, ZHENG Fei-Yan, ZHENG Jia-Tuan, ZHANG Jian-Fu*
Rice Research Institute, Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fuzhou 350018, China
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摘要 杂交水稻(Oryza sativa)不育系是选育优良品种的重要前提之一,因此培育优异的不育系对杂交稻育种具有重要意义。本研究以高抗稻瘟病且优质的水稻品种'华航丝苗'作为供体亲本,与综合农艺性状优良但米质和稻瘟病抗性不佳的籼稻三系保持系'福稻B'进行杂交,在F3代中,选择优异单株做父本,用不育系'谷丰A'做母本进行测交;测交后代不断在三亚和沙县基地进行穿梭育种选择。经过多个世代的淘汰和选择,最终选育出了育性稳定的三系不育系'福农A',其对应的保持系定名为'福农B'。综合农艺性状分析发现,'福农A'株叶形态好,茎秆粗壮,剑叶挺直,其午前开花率达85%,茎秆的直径和厚度明显大于亲本。田间测试及显微观察结果显示,其不育株率为100%,花粉不育度为99.99%,柱头外露率为57.12%。'福农A'的茎秆倒三节直径明显较大,茎秆壁也明显较厚,且茎秆中半纤维素和硅含量较高。高密度芯片分析表明,'福农A'含有半矮秆基因Sd-1 (semi dwarfing gene 1)和Sdt97 (semi dwarfing mutant gene 97)、直穗基因qNGR9及粒重基因OsSPL16 (squamosa promoter-binding-like gene 16)。同时,'福农A'成功聚合了3个稻瘟病菌抗性基因Pi5 (Pyricularia oryzae resistance-5)、Pid2Pid3,室内鉴定其抗病株率达81.82%。此外,利用'福农A'所育成的7个水稻品种均表现出产量高、米质好、中抗稻瘟病等特征。由此可见,'福农A'具有较强的开发潜力,能为配组和选育抗性好、产量高、米质优的杂交稻提供种质资源。
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关键词 籼型三系不育系'福农A'稻瘟病抗性综合农艺性状    
Abstract:The cytoplasmic male sterile line (CMS) is one of the important prerequisites for breeding superior hybrid rice (Oryza sativa) varieties, cultivating excellent CMS is of great significance for hybrid rice breeding. In this study, the high-resistant and high-quality rice variety 'Huahang Simiao' was used as the donor parent, and it was crossed with the Indica three-line maintainer line 'Fudao B', which had good comprehensive agronomic traits but poor grain quality and rice blast resistance. In the F3 generation, superior plants were selected as male parents and crossed with 'Gufeng A' as the female parent. The progeny from the crosses were continuously subjected to shuttle breeding and selection in Sanya and Shaxian bases. After multiple generations of elimination and selection, a stable CMS line named 'Funong A' was finally bred, and its corresponding maintainer line was named 'Funong B'. Comprehensive analysis of agronomic traits revealed that 'Funong A' had good leaf morphology, sturdy stems, and erect flag leaves, with a morning flowering ratio of 85%. The stem diameter and thickness of 'Funong A' were significantly larger than those of the parent lines. Field tests and microscopic observations showed that the sterility rate of 'Funong A' was 100%, pollen sterility ratio was 99.99%, and stigma exsertion rate was 57.12%. 'Funong A' exhibited a significantly larger basal internode diameter and thicker stem wall, as well as higher content of hemicellulose and silicon in stems. High-density chip analysis revealed the presence of semi-dwarf gene Sd-1, spikelet development-related gene qNGR9, and grain weight gene OsSPL16 in 'Funong A'. Additionally, Funong A successfully combined 3 rice blast resistance genes, Pi5, Pid2, and Pid3, with an indoor identification rate of resistant strains reaching 81.82%. Moreover, the 7 rice varieties developed using 'Funong A' exhibited high yield, good grain quality, and intermediate resistance to rice blast disease. It is evident that 'Funong A' possesses strong development potential and can provide support for the combination and breeding of hybrid rice with good resistance, high yield, and superior rice quality.
Key wordsIndica cytoplasmic male sterile line    'Funong A'    Rice blast resistance    Comprehensive agronomic trait
收稿日期: 2023-09-28     
ZTFLH:  S334.5  
基金资助:福建省科技计划公益类科研院所专项(2022R10230012); 福建省科技计划公益类专项(2021R1023001); 福建省农业科学院对外合作项目(DWHZ-2024-23)
通讯作者: *jianfzhang@163.com   
涂诗航, 连玲, 洪永河, 周鹏, 郑菲艳, 郑家团, 张建福. 籼型三系不育系'福农A'的选育及其综合农艺性状分析[J]. 农业生物技术学报, 2024, 32(3): 701-711.
TU Shi-Hang, LIAN Ling, HONG Yong-He, ZHOU Peng, ZHENG Fei-Yan, ZHENG Jia-Tuan, ZHANG Jian-Fu. Breeding of the Three-line Indica Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line 'Funong A' and Its Comprehensive Agronomic Trait Analysis. 农业生物技术学报, 2024, 32(3): 701-711.
https://journal05.magtech.org.cn/Jwk_ny/CN/10.3969/j.issn.1674-7968.2024.03.019     或     https://journal05.magtech.org.cn/Jwk_ny/CN/Y2024/V32/I3/701
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