Development and Perspective of Biological Breeding and Innovation Utilization in Cotton Industry in China |
WANG Zhi1,2, LI Yong-Hui1, YANG Zhao-En1,3, GE Xiao-Yang1,3, YANG Zuo-Ren1,3, LI Fu-Guang1,3,* |
1 Zhengzhou base, State Key Laboratory of Cotton Bio Breeding and Integrated Utilization, Zhengzhou,450001, China; 2 National Nanfan Research Institute (Sanya), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Sanya 572024, China; 3 Institute of Cotton Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Anyang 455000, China |
Abstract Cotton (Gossypium spp.) is an important cash crop and the cotton industry plays an important role in rural revitalization, economic development and people's livelihood security in China. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the basic research, agricultural production and industrial development of cotton in China have undergone significant changes and progress. Among that, the varieties breeding and utilization of cotton take up an important position in the development of cotton industry strain. Rapid development of modern molecular biology has significantly promoted the innovation of cotton biological breeding technology, and improves the iterative upgrading from traditional breeding to molecular breeding of cotton. At the same time, the innovative study and development of valuable cotton products such as cottonseed and gossypol have effectively promoted the development of innovative value and comprehensive utilization of cotton. On the whole, the basic research and the integrated development of the whole industry chain have made significant progress, which has improved the quality and market competitiveness of China's cotton. Driven by scientific and technological innovation, China's cotton breeding industry would strengthen the structural adjustment and optimization, and industrial upgrading to achieve higher-quality development.
Received: 01 August 2024
Corresponding Authors:
* aylifug@caas.cn
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