Abstract As a new technology to improve agricultural technology and to raise agricultural production efficiency, GM technology from livestock production chain is an inevitable technosphere and it should be actively responded. In view of the coexist of safety and risk of GM food, animal feed and animal products, this paper expounded the concepts of GM organisms and GM animal, and summarized the attitudes of countries around the world and its consumers to GM technology together with its products. Among of this, the European Union(EU) shows prudent attitude to the development of GM food, animal feed and GM animal. EU startes early in terms of relevant identification and legislation and constantly improves the legislation following the progress of relevant technologies. EU claims the GM modified threshold of food and feed is 0.9%, while Australia and New Zealand are 1%. However, Japan and Korea show no request. The United States, Canada and Argentina adapt voluntarily to the identification of GM products. The current legislation of China focuses on the safety assessment of GM products, but they do not define the management and identification to the final products. Otherwise, this paper summarized all the work carried out in transgenic animal traceability in China as following: The first, transgenic animal database based on genetic modification and traceability network platform(www.gmanimal.com.cn) have been constructed basically. Secondly, the whole technical route of identification of transgenic animal product traceability is proposed. Thirdly, the model system of transgenic animals (pig) and their product traceability is developed by using net and network database technologies, and can realize whether genetically modified feeds and (or) genetically modified animals and their products tracking from origin to table and tracing against the above direction, and it is got ready to fulfill government's regulation and consumer's right to know and to choice what they want from technologies
Received: 27 March 2012