摘要CELⅠ酶是定向诱导基因组局部突变TILLING(Targeting Induced Local Lesions In Genomes)技术中的关键酶,能够特异识别并切割单碱基错配和扭曲的DNA异源双链。实验从芹菜(Apium graveolens)中提取了CELⅠ酶,采用SDS-PAGE检测在43kD处有主带。以杂合双链作为底物,检测了CELⅠ酶的错配切割活性,结果表明CELⅠ酶可在不同材料的DNA所形成的异源双链的错配处准确切割。通过CELⅠ酶的提取、活性分析以及在水稻基因多态性检测中的应用,为基因多态性检测提供一种简单易行的方法。
Abstract:CELⅠ is a key enzyme in TILLING(Targeting Induced Local Lesions In Genomes)technology, and it can cleave heteroduplex DNAs with high specificity at sites of base mismatch and DNA distortion. Here we extracted CELⅠ from celery(Apium graveolens), and made detection by SDS-PAGE, which showed the main band at 43kD. Then used heteroduplex DNAs as the substracts, investigated the activity of CELⅠ. The results indicated that CELⅠ can cleave heteroduplex DNAs of different materials with high specificity at sites of base mismatch. Through the extraction of CELⅠ, activity investigation, and application for detection of gene polymorphism in rice, we will provide a simple and practicable method for detection of gene polymorphism.