Abstract:Deeply studied of the genetic mechanisms for ear-related traits in maize (Zea mays) can provide references for using ear-related traits to breed high-yielding maize varieties. Thus, the 2 F1 hybrids and their derived 202 (POP1) and 218 (POP2) F2 populations with the common male parent TS141 were developed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for ear number per plant (EN), ear weight (EW), cob weight (CW), 100-kernel weight (KW), ear length (EL) and kernel ratio (KR) via composite interval mapping (CIM) in this study. It showed that EN, EW, KW and EL of the 2 F1 showed positive over-parent heterosis significantly, CW showed positive over-parent heterosis weakly, and KR showed mid-parent heterosis significantly. The F1 heterosis index and relative heterosis simultaneously displayed that EW>EN>EL>KW>CW>KR. However, the F2 advantage reduction rate showed that EW>EN>EL>KW>CW>KR. Totally 49 QTLs were identified in the 2 F2 populations, these QTLs were located on the 10 chromosomes and explained 4.10%~15.73% of phenotypic variation in single QTL. QTLs for EW and KR mainly showed additive effects, QTLs for EN, KW and EL mainly showed non-additive effects, and QTLs for CW showed both half of additive and non-additive effects. Eight stable QTLs (sQTLs) were simultaneously identified across POP1 and POP2, namely, the sQTL controlled EW, CW and KR in Bin1.03-1.04, the sQTL controlled KR in Bin1.06-1.07, the sQTL controlled KW in Bin4.04, the sQTL controlled EN in Bin6.05, the sQTL controlled KR in Bin7.02 and the sQTL controlled CW in Bin9.04, respectively. These results can lay a foundation for further revealing genetic mechanism for maize ear-related traits, and these sQTLs are stably expressed under 2 genetic backgrounds may play an important role in controlling maize ear-related traits and can be used as the candidate loci for marker-assisted selection (MAS), fine mapping and positional cloning.
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