Abstract:In order to study the yak (Bos grunniens) populations' genetic diversity and genetic structure and promote the rational use and protection of the yak populations genetic resources in Gansu Province, 15 microsatellite markers were used to detect six yak populations (240 individuals). The results showed that146 alleles were found in 15 microsatellite loci, in which allele number (106) in Maqu yak population was highest, and that in Tianzhu white yak was at least (74). The analysis of polymorphism information content(PIC), expected heterozygosity(He) and observe heterozygosity(Ho) indicated that the genetic diversity of 3 yak populations from Hezuo city were rich, but the genetic diversity of Tianzhu white yak, Tianzhu yak and Sunan yak population were relatively low. DA genetic distanceand Nei's standard genetic distance (DS) and the phylogenetic tree constructed by DA and DS genetic distance and NJ method showed that the relationship of Maqu yak, Luqu yak and Xiahe yak were very near, which indicated that the 3 populations might have the same ancestors. But the genetic distance of Tianzhu While yak, Tianzhu yak and Sunan yak populations were near, they might have the same ancestors. The results of classification in principal component analysis and genetic structure analysis were same with the phylogenetic tree, the 6 yak populations were divided into two clusters, and consisted with the geographic distribution of the 6 populations.
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