Effects of Iron Preparations for Blood on Production Performance and Physiological and Biochemical Indexes of Lactating Sows (Sus scrofa domestica) |
HU Guo-Ming1, HUANG Chang-Qiao3, ZHOU Shu-Mian2, WEI Yu-Heng3, XIE Xiao-Dong3, HU Ting-Jun3, HU Yong-Hao1,* |
1 College of Veterinary Medicine, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China; 2 Guigang Animal Disease Control Center, Guigang 537100; 3 College of Animal Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning 531499, China |
Abstract As a key element of trace elements, iron is of great significance to the growth of animals, and iron deficiency will lead to a variety of negative effects such as developmental disorders, poor reproductive performance, anemia and diarrhea. In this study, lactating sows (Sus scrofa domestica) from 7 d before farrowing to 21 d after farrowing were taken as the research object to investigate the effect of Iron preparations for blood added to feed on the production performance, physiological and biochemical indexes of lactating sows and piglet-related indicators. The results showed that compared with the blank control group, continuous feeding for 28 d after adding Iron preparations for blood at a dose of 1 kg/t of feed could effectively reduce the farrowing rate of sows, increase the mating rate, improve the labor process of sows, increase the litter weight of piglets, the average weight of piglets, the weight of the weaning litter, reduce the diarrhea rate, malformation rate and stillbirth rate of piglets, thereby improving the production performance of sows and growth performance of piglets. This study provides a reference and basis for the clinical application of Iron preparations for blood in veterinary medicine to improve the production performance of sows.
Received: 26 December 2023
Corresponding Authors:
* yhh0817@126.com
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