Tissue Expression of TMEM18 Gene and Correlation Analysis Between Its Polymorphism and Feed Conversion Ratio in Hu Sheep (Ovis aries) |
LIU Xiao-Qiang1, LI Cheng-Hai2, WANG Wei-Min3, GAO Fei2, TIAN Hui-Bin3, WANG Li-Zhong2, ZHAO Yuan3, MA Zong-Wu1, HUANG Zhi-Qiang1, CAI You-Xin1, ZHANG Xiao-Xue1,* |
1 College of Animal Science and Technology, Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou 730070, China; 2 Jinchuan Group Co., Ltd., Jinchang Jujia Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd., Jinchang 737100, China; 3 College of Grassland Agricultural Science and Technology/State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agroecosystems, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China |
Abstract Transmembrane protein 18 (TMEM18) is an important candidate gene for animal growth and development, encoding a transmembrane protein with important biological functions. In order to explore the expression pattern of TMEM18 gene in sheep (Ovis aries) tissues, the correlation between it's polymorphism and feed conversion ratio (FCR), and molecular genetic markers for breeding were searched. Based on a population of 845 Hu sheep with clear pedigrees and complete phenotypic records, this research utilized qRT-PCR technology to detect the expression levels of the TMEM18 gene in 10 tissues of Hu sheep and employed Sanger sequencing technology to scan for SNPs in this gene, which were then analyzed for association with feed efficiency traits. The results showed that the relative expression of the TMEM18 gene was significantly higher in the heart than in other tissues (P<0.05), followed by high relative expression in the duodenum, rumen, lungs, and liver. A synonymous mutation polymorphism site, g.517832 T>C, was detected in the third intron of the sheep TMEM18 gene. The results of multiple comparisons showed that the mutation locus was significantly associated with FCR100~120, FCR140~160, FCR80~120, FCR140~180, FCR100~160, FCR80~160, FCR100~180 and FCR80~180 (P<0.05), among them, FCR140~160, FCR100~160, FCR80~160, FCR100~180 and FCR80~180 with CC genotype were significantly higher than those of TT genotype and TC genotype (P<0.05). The results of this study suggested that TMEM18 g.517832 T>C site could be used as a candidate molecular marker to improve feed efficiency in sheep. This study provides reliable genetic materials for the breeding of grain-saving varieties.
Received: 12 June 2024
Corresponding Authors:
* zhangxx@gsau.edu.cn
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