Identification and Expression Analysis of the DOF Gene Family in Huperzia serrata |
LI Hai-Bo1, XIE Li-Bo1, ZHANG Kai1, SHI Ji-Dong2, CAO Yu3, LI Mu-Zi3, HUA Yang-Guang3, WANG De-Kai3,* |
1 Yuyao City Seed and Seedling Management Station, Ningbo 315499, China; 2 Agricultural and Rural Affairs Office of Luting Township, Ningbo 315434, China; 3 College of Life Sciences and Medicine, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China |
Abstract Huperzia serrata, a member of the Lycopodiaceae family, contains huperzine A (Hup A), a highly selective acetylcholinesterase inhibitor used to treat and alleviate symptoms in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The DOF family, a transcription factor family unique to plants, plays a significant role in plant growth, development, and responses to abiotic stress. Based on the full-length transcriptome data of H. serrata, this study identified the DOF gene family (HsFOF), analyzed its protein physicochemical properties, conserved domains, subcellular localization, secondary and tertiary structures, and regulatory networks. By utilizing RNA-seq data, the expression patterns of HsDOF were analyzed across various tissues and under conditions of high temperature and drought stress. The results showed that a total of 19 HsDOF genes were identified; The number of amino acids encoded the protein ranges from 213 to 574, with a molecular weight of approximately 23.89 to 60.50 kD and an isoelectric point of 5.15 to 9.93; The subcellular localization prediction results showed that all HsDOFs were located to nucleus. The secondary structure was mainly displayed as α-helix and irregular curl, with 7 types of tertiary structure models used in the 19 HsDOF proteins. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the DOF protein of Arabidopsis thaliana and H. serrata could be divided into 9 subgroups, with HsDOF distributed in 2 of them. Expression pattern analysis showed that the HsDOF genes showed differential expression in different tissues. Under high temperature stress, 6 HsDOF genes were upregulated or downregulated by more than 2 times at 1 or more time points. Under drought stress, 6 HsDOF genes were upregulated or downregulated by more than 2 times at 1 or more time points, of which 3 were upregulated; 2 downregulated. The research results provide a theoretical basis for further exploring the biological functions and molecular breeding of the HsDOF gene family.
Received: 24 July 2024
Corresponding Authors:
* kay77@163.com
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