Abstract:Alternative splicing (AS) is a post transcriptional modificaption process, and plays important roles in various physiological processes of living organisms. TCP family is a kind of plant specific transcription factor that participates in various growth and development regulatory processes. In order to further explore the expression characteristics and biological function of 2 alternative splice variants of TCP19b gene in moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis), RT-PCR was used to clone the full-length CDS of TCP19b from moso bamboo, qRT-PCR and GUS tissue staining were used to analyze the expression level and expression site of the alternative splice variants. The localization and function of alternative splice variants were analyzed by subcellular localization and genetic transformation. The results showed that PheTCP19b gene generated 2 alternative splice variants, PheTCP19bα and PheTCP19bβ, encoding 346 and 382 amino acid, respectively, which contained conserved bHLH domains. The PheTCP19b gene was closely related to rice (Oryza sativa) OsTCP19. There were some differences in tissue-specific expression patterns between the 2 alternative splice variants. The PheTCP19bα had obvious tissue specificity, while PheTCP19bβ showed constitutive expression pattern. Brassinolide (BR) could induce the expression of 2 alternative splice variants. The 2 alternative splice variants proteins were enriched in the nucleus. Both PheTCP19bα and PheTCP19bβ could complement the multi-branching phenotype of Arabidopsis thaliana brc1 mutant to wild type phenotype. The study provides foundation for further study on the mechanism of PheTCP19b alternative splice variants in bud development.
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