The Correlation Analysis Between Polymorphism and Fecundity of 1113 Locus in BMPR-IB Gene CDS Area of Three Sheep (Ovis aries) Varieties |
Abstract The fecundity of sheep (Ovis aries) is controlled by the dominant gene, and the bonemorphogenetic protein type IB gene (BMPR-IB) has been identified as one of the dominant genes in multiparous ewes. To provide a theoretical basis for breeding for sheep fecundity and markers, the polymerase chain reaction single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR) was used to analysis the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection at 1113 loci in the bonemorphogenetic protein type IB (BMPR-IB) gene coding region of 3 breeds of sheep, including 188 Mongolian sheep, 112 Gansu Alpine Merino sheep and 48 Small Tailed Han sheep, then we also analyze the correlation among the polymorphism of 3 breeds of sheep BMPR-IB gene and litter size, in order to provide the material for studying the mechanism of prolificacy in sheep. The result showed that 3 different genotypes were found in Mongolian sheep and Gansu Alpine Merino sheep, including wild type called AA, homozygous mutant called BB and heterozygous mutant called AB, AB was the dominant genotype. 2 different genotypes were found in Small Tailed Han sheep, BB and AB, BB was the dominant genotype. With the analysis of polymorphism information content, it was shown that Small Tail Han sheep belonged to low polymorphism (PIC<0.25), the other two breeds of sheep belonged to moderate polymorphism (0.25<PIC<0.5). There was a significant difference in the 1113 locus of BMPR-IB gene coding region among these 3 different breeds of sheep, this site may be related to the litter size of sheep so it can be used as a marker loci for reproductive traits of sheep and further theoretical basis for the production practice.
Received: 02 June 2017
Published: 10 December 2017
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