Obtaining and Genetic Stability Analysis of Chinese Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)-Cabbage (Brassica compestris ssp. pekinensis) Translocation Lines with Fragment of Cabbage Chromosome 7# |
Abstract Translocation line is an individual formed by one-way or reciprocal translocation between chromosomes of two different species. It is significantly important for the application of excellent exogenous gene to study the genetic stability of exogenous chromosome in translocation lines. In order to obtain Chinese cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)-cabbage (Brassica compestris ssp. pekinensis) translocation lines, Chinese cabbage-cabbage alien addition line 7#(AC7) and its parents Chinese cabbage 85-1 and cabbage 11-1 were used as experimental population in present study. Using rays 45 Gy 60Co-γ radiating pollens of AC7, M1 plants were obtained by backcrossing irradiated pollens with Chinese cabbage 85-1, and then M2 plants were obtained by selfing M1. Using 31 specific InDel (Insertion-Deletion) markers (compared with Chinese cabbage) distributed in linkage group No.1 of cabbage, and combining with cytological observation, ten translocation lines were identified from selfing progenies of M2 plants. Two translocation lines AT7-1 and AT7-2 with different chromosome fragments of cabbage were selected and studied, for which isolated microspore culture, selfing and backcrossing were further performed. Using specific InDel markers, progeny plants from selfing, backcrossing and microspore culture of two translocation lines were identified. We also had carried on investigation of phenotypic traits in selfing progenies of AT7-1 and AT7-2. The results showed that genetic stability of two translocation lines AT7-1 and AT7-2 with different chromosome fragments of cabbage was different. The genetic stability of selfing progenies, backcross progenies and microspore culture plants in the same translocation line was also different. In AT7-1, the ratio of keeping exogenous fragment in selfing progenies, backcross progenies and microspore culture plants was 73%, 28% and 50%, respectively. In AT7-2, the ratio of keeping exogenous fragment in selfing progenies, backcross progenies and microspore culture plants was 84%, 62% and 25%, respectively. Head formation related traits in selfing progenies of AT7-1 were segregated, but without segregation in selfing progenies of AT7-2. Studying genetic stability of exogenous chromosomes in Chinese cabbage background could be useful in using new germplasm for Chinese cabbage breeding.
Received: 11 March 2015
Published: 24 July 2015
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