Cloning and Expression of ZlADR1 Gene During the Formation of Swollen Stem of Zizania latifolia |
Abstract The swollen stem of zizania latifolia was induced by the interaction between Ustilago esculenta and Zizania latifolia, following with a series of immune defense in zizania latifolia. Study on activation of resistance gene (activated disease resistance 1, ADR1) in the development expression pattern of zizania latifolia will assist researching the formation mechanism of swollen stem of zizania latifolia. In this study, ZlADR1 gene(GenBank number: KP 729625.1) was cloned with full length of 1164 bp and encoding 387 amino acids, which belonged to the resistance gene with CC-NBS-LRR domain. There were two introns in the genome sequences and the amino acid sequence of ZlADR1 contained the domains of Kinase2a, Kinase3a, RNBS-C and HD. Moreover, ZlADR1 had the highest homologous gene sequence similarity with Oryza brachyantha. Meanwhile, expressions analysis of the ZlADR1 gene were proceed in different development stages, swollen types and tissues in zizania latifolia. Expression of ZlADR1 gene raised before the growth of swollen stem, it may related to the large growth of U. esculenta in the stem of zizania latifolia. And ZlADR1 gene was expressed both in the stem and in the leaves, but the expression in stem where U. esculent highly grew and distributed was significantly higher than in the leaves (P<0.05). Besides, in the early wollen stem, expression of ZlADR1 gene in white zizania latifolia stem was significantly higher than that of grey zizania latifolia and male zizania latifolia (P<0.05). While no significant difference was found between grey zizania latifolia and male zizania latifolia. Expression of ZlADR1 gene was induced by the growth and distribution of mycelium of U. esculenta in zizania latifolia. The vegetative growth state and distribution of U. esculenta in the stem was closely related to the expression of ZlADR1 gene. In this study, the expression responses of ZlADR1 gene have been preliminarily investigated during the swolling of zizania latifolia, which would benefit the mechanism of the swollen research in zizania latifolia.
Received: 24 March 2017
Published: 01 November 2017
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