Genetic Characteristics Analysis of Plant Height, Panicle Weight and Grain Weight of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica) in Multiple Environments |
LI Yan-Fang1,2, LIU Yan1,2, DU Xiao-Fen1, WANG Zhi-Lan1,2, HAN Kang-Ni1, LIAN Shi-Chao1, LI Yu-Xin1, ZHANG Lin-Yi1, WANG Jun1,2,* |
1 Millet Research Institute, Shanxi Agricultural University / Hou Ji Laboratory in Shanxi Province, Changzhi 046011, China; 2 College of Agriculture, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu 030801, China |
Abstract The primary objectives of high-yield breeding for foxtail millet (Setaria italica) encompass the optimization of plant height, enhancement of panicle weight, and augmentation of panicle grain weight. In order to investigate the genetic variation of plant height, panicle weight and panicle grain weight of foxtail millet, this study utilized 'Aininghuang' as the maternal parent and 'Jingu 21' as the paternal parent to established a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population, and the RIL population was cultivated at 7 locations over a span of 3 years (2019~2021) in Shanxi province, R-based software package SEA v2.0 was employed to analyze the main gene + multi-gene hybrid genetic model for RIL population traits such as plant height, panicle weight and grain weight. The results demonstrated significant correlations among plant height, panicle weight and grain weight, and the correlation coefficient between panicle weight and grain weight was 0.98 (P≤0.001). The optimal model for plant height was determined to be PG-AI with the polygenic heritability of 97.56%; Similarly, the optimal model for panicle weight was identified as PG-A with the polygenic heritability of 84.04%, primarily influenced by additive effects resulting in an additive effect value of -2.95 indicating negative genetic impact; The most suitable model for grain weight was MX2-ED-A, which was controlled by 2 dominant epistatic major genes along with additive polygenes contributing to mixed inheritance pattern, with major gene heritability accounted for 62.53% and polygene contributed approximately 50.52%, the additive effect of the second major gene was dominant, and the additive epistatic interaction effect value was -11.50, showed a negative genetic effect. The optimal genetic models of plant height and panicle weight in foxtail millet were similar, exhibited a polygenic nature with substantial heritability and little environmental influence; In contrast, the inheritance of grain weight was primarily controlled by a combination of major gene effects and polygenic factors. This study offers valuable insights for the genetic enhancement and precise mapping of genes associated with plant height, panicle weight, and grain weight.
Received: 09 August 2024
Corresponding Authors:
* 128wan@163.com
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